collectivism requires conformity
conformity is to copy what other do

“The government acts paternalistically when it overrides people’s choices on the ground that their choices will not promote their own welfare.”
Cass Robert Sunstein, professor at Harvard Law School
Sweden is extremely paternalistic society, a few examples
Limited variation of basic schools, limited of ability to choose a doctor. (even if you want to pay privately)
The alcohol is sold in special shops and minimum age is 21, the use ofdrugs is punishable
The whole society is influenced by a myriads of soft and hard regulations. (see additional analysis  Why Nudge? by Cass Sunstein). Individual's free choices (not affecting others) are very limited. The spectrum of acceptable, approved  social behaviors is narrow.


The Swedish society will try to lead you on the right path, make you a member of a collective, persuade you from pursuing choices, help  you to reduce your expectations and insist that you disassociate from an exclusive relation with God.

here below we show how it is done;


 From the Swedish Citizen's Book

"It is peculiar to Swedish culture that it is not the state that has forced the citizens to take any collective action, but it is they themselves who have voluntarily joined forces, voluntarily adopted rules and programs for their activities, voluntarily submitted to the restrictions in the personal freedom that the organization must demand. We Swedes believe that such voluntary collectivism is more valuable than a state-commanded, uniform cooperation."
the orginal in Swedish


In the name "collectivism" many citizens will take personal actions to reprimand and coerce other citizens who are perceived not to follow a collective pattern [an excellent example is the use or not use of face masks in connection with corona protection]
This is the key component in the self-imposed fiction of the Swedish Ethos. In the J.J. Rousseau's  words we have a perfect case of citizens "loving the Law" and forgetting that they have not written this law but the "love for Law" was in very subtle way introduced and citizens were coerced by the state and the co-citizens to say "we love this law". (a remark "Law" may mean, rule, recommendation, instructions, teaching)
A good understanding of this concept in all its contradictions, subconscious elemets and dialectics, opens a way to th wider understanding of the Swedish Society. The Swedes who have incorporated into their personality and identity the believe "good law" are not able to comprehend why some people behave asocially,  as a group. Unless "good citizens"  step into the situation of an individual who is not socialized in the "voluntary collectivism" they will not able to understand the reasons for the "unswedish behaviour"