Mr Hertzberg provides objectives for the Digitaliseringsrådet and
the digitalisering's vision and the policy of the government. The
following goals should be applied in the case of described below. "att skapa förståelse kring samhällets digitalisering och vilka effekter det har på demokratin. "It consists of leading experts from universities, private and public sector and one office under the leadership of Minister for Digital Development. Is the Digitaliseringsrådet providing the true conceptual framework for the non-discriminatory, egalitarian, citizen-friendly, democratic implementation of the digital-mail system by Kiva ? Below, I am addressing the questions to Mr. Hertzbereg, the head of the digitaliseringsrådet. |
Welcome to the Swedish National Digitalisation
Council Sweden has an objective to be the best in the
world at utilising the opportunities created by digitisation. For this
reason, the government established the Swedish national digitalisation
council in spring 2017. The national council’s undertaking is to promote
the implementation of the government’s digitalisation strategy. It
consists of leading experts from universities, private and public sector
and one office under the leadership of Minister for Digital Development. The objective of the government’s digitalisation
strategy is that Sweden shall be the best in the world at utilising the
opportunities created by digitalisation. The strategy is based on five
interim objectives: digital competence, digital innovation, digital
security, digital infrastructure and digital management. Why a Swedish National Digitalisation Council? The government needs independent experts to:
Nils Hertzberg
Kanslichef Kort om: Joakim Sjunnesson
Analytiker Kort om: Han har bred myndighetserfarenhet från bland annat
Försäkringskassan, Skolverket och PTS där han huvudsakligen arbetat med
utredning, analys och främjande. Jörgen Ahlström
Projektledare Kort om: Under 2016-2017 arbetade Jörgen i utredningen för
webbtillgänglighetsdirektivet vid Finansdepartementet. Sara Lidbaum
Kommunikationsansvarig Kort om: De senaste åren har hon arbetat med
förändringsledning och strategiarbete kopplat till digital |